miércoles, 18 de abril de 2018

Chapter 2*

Capital City of the Olympic Games 2004

Welcome to the capital of the XXVIII Olympic Games!
After 108 years, the Hellenic republic is once again the host of the most important sport games in the world. Every Athenian is very attentive on the details settled by the government to serve all the international guests.
            In the Olympic Village, the organizers are having little setbacks to finish the last details for the welcome. Some of the stadiums are about to be finished and the competitions start in a few days. There is an atmosphere full of expectations, joyful but tense feeling in all the corners of the Hellenic city, together with the superhuman efforts put in having everything ready for the inaugural day.
            There is around Athens an air of encountered feelings of glory, enthusiasm, and stress. People of all ages follow the events, mindful of the opening ceremony. Businessmen, storekeepers, restaurateurs, and sellers wait anxiously the beginning of the celebration to start their labor of providing services to the millions of tourists who are starting to crowd the city.
Banners and sing with the inscription “υποδοχή πάλι στο σπίτ” (“Welcome home again!”) are spread through Athens. Despite the summer heat, wind gusts coming through the coast refresh its inhabitants and wave briskly the flags of Greece with the welcome message on them.

In this euphoria, three days before the opening ceremony that will take place in the Olympic stadium, Athens is the most vibrant and cosmopolitan city, completely crowded. Tourist, sportsmen, millionaires, politicians, celebrities from the show business and art coincide in one activity: The Olympic Games Greece 2004.

At the airport “Eleftherios Venizelos”, a chaos of people tries to organize themselves at the customs box-offices. It can be appreciate a huge diversity of contrasts and tourist that arrive from all parts of the world to this amazing celebration with the highest level sport. The different nations, represented by their corresponding sporty delegations arrive to the welcome platform, dressed up with their different and impeccable uniforms dyed with the autochthone colors corresponding to each country. Everybody looked busy while picking their baggage along the customs anteroom.

            The triathlon team this year is formed by a great diversity of participant from all around the world. All of them where tested in elimination competitions each time more demanding, product of a rigorous training of years and even decades to see their dreams crystalized in this event.

            The American delegation in the most numerous of all; among their competitors it is John Sueseht, accompanied by his best friend, Paul Ootirip, from the Canadian delegation. Although they compete in different delegations, they are friends from childhood and both of them represent one of the most viewed disciplines nowadays, triathlon. Their only goal is winning and to have fun in the biggest competition, Vouliagmeni.

Different from the rest of their respective delegations, John and Paul decided to rent a car when they arrived at the airport, so they could drive to the Titania Hotel, in downtown of the city, where they had already booked a luxurious suite that had also been confirmed by Miss Amy, the efficient secretary of Mr. Sueseht Dukatris, John’s father.

While they were waiting to check in, Grigoriadis Poimenidis approached to them, he was a cheerful and informal Greek and touristic guide who attracted tourist with all kind of stories to impress and enroll them in one of his schedule visits.

“Good morning! I see you are Olympic champions” –said Poimenidis in a flattering tone, trying to be ice-breaker.

“Not yet,” –answered Paul, “but we’ll be soon.”

“What noble discipline do you two represent?” Poimenidis continued to empathize with them.

“Paul, don’t waste time. We need to pick the keys of the suite.” –exclaimed John, without taking into account the speaker.

Grigoriadis Poimenidis spoke first:

“You must be a great marathoner. According to the tradition, this honorable sport started in the well-known homonymous city. Its origin goes back to the story of Plutarch about Pheidippides, an Athenian soldier who ran barefoot over the plain of Marathon from the south to the city of Athens to announce the victory of the Athenians over the Persians during the Greco-Persian wars, in the year 490 B.C. He ran a distance of about 42 kilometers, although according to some authors, it was of 40.8. When this hero arrived to the city, he yelled: “Νενικήκαμεν!” (We have won), he felt exhausted and died at that very moment.”

Paul got interested in the story; John interrupted him:
“Dude, at any other moment we hear your story; but now, we must check in.”

Poimenidis signed the big line they have in front.

“Don’t worry, we are in Greece. The line is huge. There is always time for talking, and if you’re lucky, I could find someone who could help you.”

Paul looked at John, and agreed saying:

“In that case you may continue and do not forget your promise of avoiding us to stand this line.”

Poimenidis picked up the thread of his story with the same passion he used to put on this:

“Another version says that Pheidippides dies after running three times in a row the path between Athens and Marathon, which is probably the reason of another discipline: the triathlon. The first journey was to Athens to call for reinforcements. The second trip was to the battle field, with the message that the troops would go whenever they were ready. The third and lethal path, when he arrived to Marathon and discovered that the battle had been won, he was sent to stop the Athenian army before they departed; that was when he died. The thing is that thanks to Pheidippides, all the women and their descendants did not die, since all of these have sworn they will commit suicide before being captured by the Persians and it was thanks to Pheidippides they knew about their victory. It was not necessary they keep their word anymore. This permits their progeny reached our days.”

Paul finished the story:

“Okay! You’re hired! We’ll meet you tomorrow at the lobby for a sightseeing tour.”

*Translation SP>En. Novel Thyke by Frank Cogun. 

Analysis of Talus Slopes Behavior by Geomechanic Simulation in the Stretch between San Rafael de Tabay and Mucurubá in Mérida State

Authors: Núñez R. Yaneth del V.
                Ramírez G. William A.
Tutor: Ing. Sosa C. Grelys A.

The Finite-Element Method (FEM) has acquired a huge significance in the solution of engineering problems. Its importance is because it helps solving cases that, until recently, were almost impossible of solving using traditional mathematical methods; however, it is still an approximate method of calculation due to the simplifications taken when it is applied.
The object of this investigation is to analyze the talus slope behavior between San Rafael de Tabay and Mucurubá applying  geomechanical simulation, by means of numerical methods using the suite of software ABAQUS. The studied area has specific geological, hydrological, geomorphological and structural characteristics that determine the proper conditions of every talus slope, which also make them prone to possible mass movement.
In order to carry out this research, it is performed a series previous study phases with the purpose of recognizing the area to study, collecting samples of every talus slope, and determining the geomechanical properties through laboratory assays to use them in the simulation.
The movement values for all the simulations are around an approximate range from 0.1473 m to 0.9947m; while the stresses are around -8.923 E+3 to -9.056 E+6 and the deformations oscillate between 1.617 E-2 to 4.976 E-4. In some areas it is experienced plastic deformation with values superior to 0.003.
The susceptible areas for the occurrence of possible mass movement are located in Los Aleros, Cacute, San Rafael de Tabay and Mucurubá. The studied area is sectorized in levels of susceptibility as: low, medium and high.
Keywords: Finite-Element; Susceptibility; Simulation; ABAQUS.

Procter & Gamble Manufacturing GmbH [S.R.L]
Fábrica Crailsheim

Crailsheim, 28 de junio de 2012

Certificado de cumplimiento de Buenas Prácticas de Fabricación

Procter & Gamble tiene un estricto programa global de garantía de calidad que comprende inspecciones regulares de dicha garantía de calidad, así como de las Buenas Prácticas de Fabricación, junto con estrictos requisitos de control de todos nuestros centros de producción. Dichas inspecciones son llevadas a cabo por personal debidamente capacitado procedente de nuestras organizaciones de garantía de calidad de escala mundial y local. El programa está basado en los estrictos requisitos de garantía de calidad de Procter & Gamble, los cuales concuerdan con el estándar ISO 9001, con los lineamientos de las Buenas Prácticas de Fabricación vigentes para productos farmacéuticos y cosméticos en los Estados Unidos de Norteamérica, la Unión Europea y  Japón; así como también con las leyes pertinentes y las reconocidas regulaciones internacionales. En cuanto a la calidad de los productos, los requisitos de Procter & Gamble siguen estrictamente los establecidos por programas de calidad globalmente reconocidos tales como el premio norteamericano Baldrige y el de la Fundación Europea de Gestión de Calidad.
A fin de asegurar que el alto estándar no solamente se mantenga sino que sea continuamente mejorado, existe en cada centro de producción, un programa de auto-mejoramiento. Además, se continuarán llevando a cabo en el futuro inspecciones regulares por la garantía de calidad de escala mundial y/o local.

Por medio de la presente se certifica que, de acuerdo con lo expuesto anteriormente,
Los productos de uso femenino fabricados por Procter & Gamble en la fábrica de Crailsheim en Alemania y vendidos bajo el nombre comercial de:
Always Platinum Collection Protectores Diarios
son producidos en cumplimiento con lo señalado por las Buenas Prácticas de Fabricación, lo cual fue confirmado por recientes inspecciones de garantía de calidad en los centros de producción.

[Firma ilegible]
Monserrat Balmori
Lider de garantía de calidad en los centros de producción.

Teléfono: (0 79 51) 3 40. Telefax: (0 79 51) 3 43 04
Hausanschrift: Procter & Gamble Straße 1. 74564 Crailsheim

Cámara de Comercio de Tel Aviv e Israel Central
Máxima Organización del Sector de Libre Comercio

22 de julio de 2012

Por medio de la presente y de acuerdo a declaración de la compañía se informa lo siguiente

Nave-Pharma (1996) Ltd. [S.R.L] es una compañía israelí, registrada bajo el N° 512382138, con domicilio fiscal en calle Yad Charutsim, Zona Industrial Poleg, apartado postal 8139, Netanya 42505, Israel.
Naveh-Pharma (1996) Ltd. [S.R.L.] declara que el suplemento alimenticio ElectroRice Strawberry  solución de rehidratación antidiarreica, de la cual son dueños, es fabricada para Nave-Pharma por Galam Ltd. [S.R.L], como productor contratado, y en su beneficio.
Naveh-Pharma (1996) Ltd. [S.R.L] declara que dicho producto es de exportación y que es de libre venta en  ISRAEL.
El presente Certificado de Libre Venta es valido por 12 (doce) meses a partir de la fecha de su expedición.

Statement of Written Observations

REFERENCE: CO739-6-CFDL98-4924-D

It is my pleasure to address to you to bring your attention in a brief communication to the existence of the Empresa Peruana de Servicios Pesqueros – EPSER; this was created by the Peruvian government under Legislative Decree N° 53 of 20-03-81 (Annex N° 01) to fulfill a very important Social Politics, as attending and solve the Popular Feeding of the Peruvian people, and most of all of the poorer peoples. As the main function was to capture, to unload, to store and commercialize hydrobiological products to direct human consumption (Annex N° 02); for 5 [sic] that purpose this company had to build and/or use infrastructure appropriate for the purpose, reaching 15 fish cold storage plants, 3 wholesale markets, 4 fishing terminal, 2 fishing offices, 3 fishing complex and 1 headquarter for ADMINISTRATIVE functions; this decentralized units was administrated by officers designated by the headquarter, among officers were Mr. ****
La EPSEP functioned accomplishing the outlined targets by the supreme government until the year 2002 in which according to Legislative Decree N° 674 the company was incorporated to a privatization process (Annex N°03) and progressively it stopped its operations until the year 2003 that was declared as COMPANY IN EXTINTION (Annex N° 6). The EMPRESA PERUANA DE SERVICIOS PESQUEROS – EPSEP was an COMPANY of the supreme government and as such it was also subject of TERRORIST ACTIONS as in its INFRASTRUCTURES as in its OFFICIALS, mainly during the decades of the years 80’s and 90’s, situations that were extremely unpleasant in national and international levels.
As preventive mesuares the company EPSEP, give to all its officials a credential in order to, with the support of Peruvian authorities, accomplish all their ordered functions. Mister ****, was one of many officials that managed some of the decentralized units (DEPENDENCIES) of the company; therefore he received his corresponding credential as all the other official, therefore the credential is authentic, true and original, any typing mistake and/or presentation it is exclusively due to an ADMINISTRATIVE MISTAKE and/or conservation, such situations should not let you doubt about the originality and legitimacy of it.
Unfortunately, due to the passed time, it only can be gather a NOTARIZED AND LEGALIZED COPY of Mr *****s’ credential, which is attached (Annex N°4) in order to be compared and can be given credit to Mr. ****’s CREDENCIAL. Likewise, it is attached the CERTIFIED COPY of Public Registries in which it is registered the mentioned official as a member of the BOARD of the company ESEP, on behalf of  the workers, likewise it is registered the conferral of POWERS to the officials detailed among which it is CERTIFIES the designation of Mr. **** and an official of the ESEP (Annex N° 5).
On the other hand, I informed you that the LETTER N° 211-89-66 with date April 20th addressed to Mr. ***** is true and authentic, has some VISIBLE MISTAKES but with only administratives mistakes it is not dissolute it legitimacy and I confirm its content (LETTER WITHOUT NUMBER of 06-10-1998), about the particular step to explain about the observed mistakes:

1.       Why did you write LETTER and no OFFICIAL LETTER? It was considered LETTER because you addressed to Mr. S**** as PERSONAL CAPACITY AND NO AS EXTERIOR INSTITUTION; in this case it is accustomed to send the documents as LETTER AND/OR MEMORANDUM because it is addressed to internal officials in the same institution and OFFICIAL LETTER it is used when an INSTITUTION addresses to ANOTHER INSTITUTION.

2.       In relation to the date (Lima, April 20th 1998) it is clear that it is a terrible MISTAKE of typing and/or administrative order whose author is the SECRETARY who now refuses to sign a ACKNOWLEGMENT OF MADE MISTAKE because that could damage her work image.

3.       In relation to the kind of typing in COMMON, I inform you that custom and usage of the State-Owned Companies, every management or direction of the Organic Structure request the specific model of typing machine necessary, even more we consider that in those years (80’s and 90´s) in Peru where only used electric typing machines, due to the absences of computerized systems.
   Without any other particular, I hope to help in the solution and/or cleareance on the situation of Mr. Sanchez Zapata in his capacity as EX OFFICIAL of the Empresa Peruana de Servicios Pesqueros – EPSEP; as well as the originality and legitimacy of his CREDENTIAL.
[Illegible signature]                                                                                       [Illegible signature]
ID N° ****
Annex N°:           1. Legislative Decree N° 53-81 of 03-20-81
                               2.  Supreme Decree N° 03-82 of 02-25-82
                               3. Legislative Decree N° 674
                               4. Statement of Mr. Lucas Quevedo Torres
                               5. Grant of Authority – SUNARP
                               6. COMPANY IN EXTINSION – SUNARP

[It appears a wet seal where it is read:]
LIMA, MAY 27TH OF 2015
DR. Luis Manuel Gomez Verastegui
[It appears wet seal where it is read: Lima’s Notary Association. NIHIL PRIUS FIDE (In Latin: Nothing before Faith)]
LIMA’S NOTARY ASSOCIATION CERTIFIES THAT THE SIGNATURE AND SEALS IN THE PREVIOUS PAGE CORRESPONDS TO THE NOTARY OF LIMA, Luis M. Gomez Verastegui. Supporting document N° 162366. Date: May 27th 2015. This certifies Notary’s signature but not the content.
[Illegible signature]                        [It appears round wet seal where it is read: Notary Association of Lima]
Percy Gonzalez-Vigil Balbuena